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Szukana fraza: [Abstract = "The words appearing at the end of the Letter are extremely significant\: \"What I offer, then, is an invitation\: an invitation addressed especially to you, dearly beloved husbands and wives, fathers and mothers, sons and daughters. It is an invitation to all the particular Churches to remain united in the teaching of the apostolic truth. It is addressed to my Brothers in the Episcopate, and to priests, religious families and consecrated persons, to movements and associations of the lay faithful\; to our brothers and sisters united by common faith in Jesus Christ, even while not yet sharing the full communion willed by the Saviour\; to all who by sharing in the faith of Abraham belong, like us, to the great community of believers in the one God\; to those who are the heirs of other spiritual and religious traditions\; and to all men and women of good will\"."]

Wyników: 1

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