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Szukana fraza: [Abstract = The philological investigation \(in with the authors of the article usurp the names of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson\) shows that Misha committed three mistakes which led to his suicide \(loneliness, numbers and the state \"in\-between\"\). The originality of the story\?s narration makes it possible to read \"Unless\" as a camouflaged philosophical tale. Akunin \(akunin \? in Japanese a \"scoundrel\"\) plays the parts of two scoundrels \- one warns us not to follow Misha, who was engulfed by greed, the other, however, asks a perverse \(or perverted\) question\: \"How much are you ready to pay to get a taste of true love\?\?\".]

Wyników: 1

obiektów na stronie
Scripta Humana, 5

Prażuch, Karolina Radziszewski, Stefan Kulczycka, Dorota - red. nauk. Ruszczyńska, Marta - red. Brylla, Wolfgang J. - red. Gazdecka, Elżbieta - red.

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