Search for: [Subject and Keywords = Gazeta Zielonogórska] OR [Subject and Keywords = lubuskie] OR [Subject and Keywords = dzienniki lokalne] OR [Subject and Keywords = gazety regionalne] OR [Subject and Keywords = Nasza Wieś] OR [Subject and Keywords = Zielona Góra] OR [Subject and Keywords = prasa codzienna] OR [Subject and Keywords = czasopisma lokalne] OR [Subject and Keywords = gazety lokalne] OR [Subject and Keywords = czasopisma regionalne] OR [Subject and Keywords = Ziemia Lubuska] OR [Subject and Keywords = Gazeta Lubuska] OR [Subject and Keywords = Gorzów] OR [Subject and Keywords = dzienniki regionalne] OR [Title = Gazeta Lubuska \: dziennik Polskiej Zjednoczonej Partii Robotniczej \: Zielona Góra \- Gorzów R. XXX Nr 241 \(7 grudnia 1982\). \- Wyd. A]