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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = digital competences of teachers] OR [Subject and Keywords = vocational education] OR [Subject and Keywords = educational platform] OR [Subject and Keywords = e\-materials] OR [Subject and Keywords = e\-resources] OR [Subject and Keywords = cyfrowe kompetencje nauczycieli] OR [Subject and Keywords = kształcenie zawodowe] OR [Subject and Keywords = platforma edukacyjna] OR [Subject and Keywords = e\-materiały] OR [Subject and Keywords = e\-zasoby] OR [Title = E\-zasoby do kształcenia zawodowego \- wyzwanie dla cyfrowych kompetencji nauczycieli = E\-resources for vocational education \- a challenge for teachers` digital competences] OR [Creator = Solecka, Bożena]

Number of results: 5

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