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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = Diodor Sycylijski \(historyk grecki \; ok. 80 p.n.e. \- ok. 20 p.n.e.\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = historiografia grecka] OR [Subject and Keywords = starożytna Grecja] OR [Subject and Keywords = historia starożytna] OR [Subject and Keywords = Diodorus Siculus] OR [Subject and Keywords = Greek historiography] OR [Subject and Keywords = ancient Greece] OR [Subject and Keywords = Ancient history] OR [Title = Współczesne studia nad Diodorem Sycylijskim = Contemporary studies on Diodorus Siculus] OR [Creator = Dudziński, Andrzej]

Number of results: 10

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Jakubanis, Henryk Roman (1879-1949) Sargsyan, Mariam - tł. Habura, Adrian - tł. Kołakowska, Katarzyna - posł.


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