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Szukana fraza: [Abstract = "The Pope knew fundaments of rules of Ancient rhetoric and made sure that poetic features he used in his pronouncements follow these three\: \"docere\", \"delectare\" and \"movere\" \(to teach, to delight, to move\). John Paul II was convinced that it is God who is the source and the \"stencil\" of all existing beauty \- also in literary works and language. Beauty, in its nature, is closely merged with truth and leads human person towards goodness as this three values \(beauty, truth and goodness\) are for time and for all eternity."]

Wyników: 1

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ZSJ 2018

Seul, Anastazja (1961- ) Steciąg, Magdalena - red. nauk. Kaczor, Monika - red. nauk.


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