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Szukana fraza: [Abstract = "The approach is based on the \(max, \+\) and \(min, \+\) algebras which provide a framework to build an executable performance\-oriented model for sequential and repetitive processes like a set of signalised intersections coordinating the traffic access to the routes through a sequence of signal timings. The concept of a quasi\-rendez\-vous synchronisation mechanism of processes is introduced. A computer example is provided in the final part of the paper to illustrate the effectiveness of the approach."]

Wyników: 1

obiektów na stronie
AMCS, volume 8 (1998)

Obuchowicz, Andrzej D'Souza, Kelwyn A. Banaszak, Zbigniew Logemann, Hartmut - red. Townley, Stuart - red.


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