
Tytuł: Zakon SS. Sióstr Zgromadzenia Dzieci Marii opieki św. Józefa obrządku bizantyjsko-słowiańskiego na terenie diecezji gorzowskiej w latach 1952-1962 = The order of SS. in the Congregation of Mary's Children under the custody of St. Joseph in Byzantine-Slavonic Rite in Gorzów's bishopic in the years 1952-1962


Woźniak, Sylwester

Data wydania:


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Dolański, Dariusz - red. ; Nitschke, Bernadetta - red.

Tytuł publikacji grupowej:

In Gremium, t. 3


It is common knowledge that Catholic Church in Poland operates in a number of rites. One ofthem is the Byzantine-Slavonic Rite, often called neounion. In historiography dealing with thequestion a number of works has been devoted to the issue of the creation and the development of the rite in the eastern area of the Second Republic of Poland. At present, there operates one parish in the rite. It is located in Kostomloty, lubelskie voivodship. ; In the article entitled 'The order of SS. in the Congregation of Mary's Children under thecustody of St. Joseph in Byzantine-Slavonic Rite in Gorzów's bishopic in the years 1952-1962' there is a description of four sisters lives belonging to the rite in Pomorze Zachodnie. The sisters arrived in western and northern Poland as a result of people's migration due to the post war change of borders. In the beginning they were employed in Roman Catholic Minor Seminary in Słupsk. Then, they settled in one of Latin parish in Szczecin where they performed the duties of domestic help. ; At that rime the sisters were in conflict with the parish-priest. This conflict was due to the failure of the parish priest to comply with the terms of an agreement on material condition of the sisters' stay in the vicarage. Concurrently in the Congregation there was an atmosphere of conflict; the matron lacked authority and the sisters quarrelled with one another. ; Bishop's curia in Gorzów Wielkopolski had to solve all the problems that appeared owing tothe existence of Congregation of different rite in Gorzów's Apostolic Administration. One suggestion was to include the four sisters into another Greek Catholic Congregation. Initially, the activities of Gorzów's bishop did not bring the required result. ; The sisters tried to keep their identity which would have been lost as a result of the diffusion with Greek Catholic congregation. Nonetheless, difficult financial situation forced the sisters to accept the proposal of Gorzów' s curia. ; And in this way, the Congregation in the Byzantine-Slavonic rite ceased to exist in Poland.The lives of the four sisters show the way the story of four people was interwoven in the history of Poland.


Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego



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In Gremium : studia nad historią, kulturą i polityką, tom 3

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