Dolański, Dariusz (1966 - ) - red.
The paper shows various graphic representations of northern-Silesian towns in maps from the period of XVI-XVIII c. The maps usually presented the whole of Silesia or itsparticular duchies. The paper' s structure is governed not only by chronology but also by the maps' graphic content, which allows one to see the way town representations developed. Their evolution can be traced from the 1544 first independent map of Silesia by Sebastian Münster to Martin Helwig's great work (and its modifications) to Jonas Scultetus's maps to some of the maps in "Atlas Silesiae" of 1752. ; The paper also presents an analyzis of one of the cartouches - of the duchy of present-day Głogów, as found in "Atlas Silesiae" which shows that cartouches are not only of artistic value but they can be an invaluable source of complementary information as well.
Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego
Biblioteka Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego
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Korcz, Władysław (1913-1997) Sauter, Wiesław (1905-1996) - red.
Korcz, Władysław (1913-1997) Sauter, Wiesław (1905-1996) - red.
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Linkowski, Zdzisław Szczegóła, Hieronim (1931- ) - red.
Gutierrez-Aguilar, Ricardo Dolański, Dariusz (1966 - ) - red.
Burda, Bogumiła Osękowski, Czesław (1952- ) - red.
Stejka, Paweł Jaworski, Tomasz - red.