
Tytuł: Zbrodnia w fantastycznych światach


Trocha, Bogdan (1963- )

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motywy kryminalne w literaturze fantastycznej


The main aim of the trial was to examine the mechanisms governing the use of fantasy motifs and criminal motives in literature. Due to the fact that criminal novels and fantasy literature belong to popular prose and because of the specificity of literary fantasy itself, it was necessary to define precisely the terms within which we could conduct research that interferes with us.For this reason, three models of understanding fantasy were adopted, which, according to the author, reflected the specificity of the literary material taken into account. Since the criminal motives present in the fantasy novels were not limited to a set of detective fantasy fantasy, it was necessary to apply a research methodology that would allow for the most precise understanding of this problem. ; The following novels have been introduced into the collection of analyzed texts: fantasy, dark fantasy (horror), scientific fantasy, religious thriller and alternative history. Two conditions had to be met in all the novels cited. Firstly, there had to be a fantastic stylistic dominant (in one of the three models adopted), and secondly, criminal motives had to appear in them. In order to distinguish the morphological matrix, which is as representative as possible for the fantasy, including criminal motifs and plots, non-literary dominants from the areas engaged in scientific research on the phenomenon of breaking the law were used. ; Since the world-forming specificity of fantasy prose is basically based on the creation of new worlds, including their axiological conditions (which determine what is and what is not a crime), it is assumed that the full definition of a plot or criminal motif will consist of those elements in which crime is presented from the ethical and moral perspective (especially important for fantastic images of anomia in its various forms). As a result, the dominant characters were given a research perspective that allowed us to consider both texts resulting from a hybrid link between a criminal novel and a fantastic novel, as well as fantasy novels that did not use the plot schemes of criminal novels. ; The theoretical model of morphological matrix, applied on the basis of non-aliterary and dominant elements, allowed us to distinguish the most fundamental elements on which the anatomy of crimes is based in fantastic literature. Already at this stage it turned out that fantasy literature benefits from a more extensive and complex collection than the one that can be distinguished in criminal novels. The content of this collection indicates that in the field of literary productions present in a fantastic prose, the introductory motifs and determining the source of the law and its types play an important role. ; It is only on the basis of these structures that social structures are founded, in which the whole mechanism of the anatomy of crime appears. In principle, it should indicate two string fields. The former includes the offender?s typological model, as well as the mechanisms for preparing a crime and its very structure. The second group includes threads and motives related to investigation and prosecution procedures. ; Not only investigators and their helpers, but also victims and well-developed descriptions of the investigation, court and punishment appear here. The horizon of meaning horizon determined by these parties of the literary text, which determine the source and types of law, is of course the horizon of meanings. Thus, the basic morphological structure, on the basis of which literary fantasy creates motifs and motifs, was established. Another aspect of the research was related to the plot, on the basis of which fantasy describes criminal events. Due to the high popularity of hybrid texts, the former became the subject of analysis. ; The results of the research have shown that there are at least five types of renarisation, in which the authors apply different strategies. Starting from the ornamentation use of fantasy in total renarations, through innovative and speculative treatments characteristic for speculative literary fantasy, to reduction and hybrid treatments. Apart from the group of works based on renaration mechanisms, two textual groups have been separated. The first one includes plots and criminal motifs which do not, however, present a full criminal plot, and the second one ? these types of fantasy novel stories, which created a model of dealing with criminal issues different from the plot schemes of criminal novels. ; The last research problem was the specificity of creating and processing normative, legal and criminal meanings, present in the investigated prose. In this case, four large collections have been identified, in which the motives and threads are already subject to specific semioses (mythopoeic, religious, philosophical and speculative semiosis are present). In addition, the predefined codes that may influence the creation of these semioses, their influence on the types of literary use of the investigated motives and their relations with the recipient?s expectations horizon were also predefined.


Zielona Góra: Pracownia Mitopoetyki i Filozofii Literatury



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