
Tytuł: Joannici wobec zagrożenia Nowej Marchii wyprawami husyckimi w latach 1432-1433 = Knights of the Order of St John of Jerusalem against the New March threatened bythe Hussite expeditions, 1432-1433


Karp, Paweł

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Dolański, Dariusz (1966 - ) - red.

Tytuł publikacji grupowej:

Studia Zachodnie, 14


Historia zakonu joannitów na terenie Nowej Marchii sięga XIV w. Zgodnie z postanowieniami układu w Cremmen zawartego w 1318 r. margrabia brandenburski Waldemar zgodził się na przejęcie przez joannitów tamtejszych posiadłości skasowanego kilka lat wcześniej zakonu templariuszy. ; Około 1397 r. joannici weszli w posiadanie położonego na pograniczu wielkopolsko-brandenburskim Santoka. Wówczas to sprawujący władzę w Nowej Marchii król węgierski Zygmunt Luksemburski zastawił go za sumę 300 grzywien, ok. 1400 r. podwyższoną do 400 grzywien. Zamek tamtejszy odegrał znaczącą rolę w czasie wyprawy polsko-husyckiej przeciw zakonowi krzyżackiemu w 1433 r.


The history of the presence of the Knights of the Order of St John of Jerusalem on the territaryof the New March dates back to the 14th century. According to the resolutions of the agrement signed in Cremmen in 1318 Waldemar, Margrave of Brandenburg, allowed Knights of the Order of St John of Jerusalem to take over the contemporary estate of the Knights of the Temple of Solomon which was closed down a few years earlier. Knights of the Order of St John of Jerusalem came in to possession of the estate of Santok located on Greater Poland and Brandenburg borderland in circa1397 when Sigismung of Luxemburg pledged it for 300 grzywna (units). It was the contemporary castle that played an important role during the Polish-Hussite expedition against the Order ofTeutonic Knights in 1433. ; The March of Brandenburg was not a target of Hussite expeditions beyond the Czech borders called the "great marches" for a long time. However, the master of the Order of St John of Jeruzalem (bailiff) Baltazar von Schlieben is mentioned in sources among the troops of the margrave fighting against the Hussites in 1428 and 1432. Many a time in the correspondence with the Teutonic alderman of the New March Heinrich von Rabenstein from 1432-1433 the bailiff informed abort the course of the Hussite expeditions and warned against the threat also from the territory of the Order of Teutonic Knights. Nevertheless, when the Polish-Czech expedition to the New March began in 1433, the Order of St John of Jerusalem did not defend the crossing or the castle in Santok. It was probably the effect of the agreement signed by von Schlieben and Ladislas Jagiełło, the Polish king. ; As a means of repression for the betrayal which, according to the opinion of the Order of Teutonic Knights wrought havoc across its land, the commandery of the Order of St John of Jerusalem in Chwarszczany was confiscated. The long dispule was finally finished in April1435. On the strength of the agreement in Malbork, Chwarszczany was returned to the Knights of St John and it was acknowledged that the master von Schlieben was not responsible for the surrender of the castle in Santok. Even though the Kingdom of Poland finished the war with victory, the permanent seizure of Santok which had been beyond its borders since 1370, did not succeed.


Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego



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Studia Zachodnie, tom 14



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