Gałkowski, Krzysztof ; Rogers, Eric ; Paszke, Wojciech (1975- ) ; Owens, David H.
Gałkowski, Krzysztof - ed. ; Longman, Richard W. - ed. ; Rogers, Eric - ed.
Multidimensional Systems nD and Iterative Learning Control
In the case of linear dynamics, repetitive processes are a distinct class of 2D linear systems with uses in areas ranging from long-wall coal cutting and metal rolling operations to iterative learning control schemes. ; The main feature which makes them distinct from other classes of 2D linear systems is that information propagation in one of the two independent directions only occurs over a finite duration. ; This, in turn, means that a distinct systems theory must be developed for them for onward translation into efficient routinely applicable controller design algorithms for applications domains. ; In this paper, we introduce the dynamics of these processes by outlining the development of models for various metal rolling operations. These models are then used to illustrate some recent results on the development of a comprehensive control theory for these processes.
Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski
AMCS, volume 13, number 1 (2003) ; kliknij tutaj, żeby przejść
Biblioteka Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego
Nazwa wydania | Data |
Linear repetitive process control theory applied to a physical example | 2021-10-18 |
Pakshin, Pavel Emelianova, Julia Rogers, Eric Gałkowski, Krzysztof
Bochniak, Jacek Gałkowski, Krzysztof Rogers, Eric Kummert, Anton Korbicz, Józef (1951- ) - red. Uciński, Dariusz - red.
Rogers, Eric Gałkowski, Krzysztof Owens, David H. Kaczorek, Tadeusz - ed.
Gałkowski, Krzysztof Rogers, Eric Owens, David H. Korbicz, Józef (1951- ) - red. Uciński, Dariusz - red.
Owens, David H. Amann, Notker Rogers, Eric Owens, David H. - ed. Skoczowski, Stanisław - ed.
Zhai, Guisheng Xu, Xuping Korbicz, Józef (1951- ) - red. Uciński, Dariusz - red.
Maniarski, Robert Paszke, Wojciech (1975- ) Chu, Bing Rogers, Eric
Maniarski, Robert Paszke, Wojciech (1975- ) Rogers, Eric Tao, Hongfeng