Water consumption is an amount characteristic to individual water sup-ply systems. It is described by values of the unitary consumption of water and unevenness coefficients. An analysis of consumption for the years 2009-2016 in two systems which are diverse in terms of the number of supplied recipients as well as the intended water use is presented. ; The values of unitary consumption indices as well as hourly and daily irregularity of consumption were calculated, and factors influencing the irregularity of consumption in different time frames indicated. Conclusions regarding the amount and irregularity of consumption were drawn and compared with guidelines and other analysed systems.
tytuł dodatkowy: Prace z Inżynierii Lądowej i Środowiska
Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego
Civil and Environmental Engineering Reports (CEER), no 29, vol. 2
Biblioteka Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego
Nazwa wydania | Data |
Characteristics of Water Consumption in Chocianów, Parchów and Pogorzeliska, Lower Silesia Province | 2022-12-22 |
Ogiołda, Ewa Nowogoński, Ireneusz Kłonowska, Renata Greinert, Andrzej - red. Kołodziejczyk, Urszula - red. Kostecki, Jakub - red. Myszograj, Sylwia - red. Wasylewicz, Róża - red. Hudak, Magda - red.
Ogiołda, Ewa Nowogoński, Ireneusz Kłonowski, Dariusz Greinert, Andrzej - red. Kołodziejczyk, Urszula - red. Kostecki, Jakub - red. Wasylewicz, Róża - red. Hudak, Magda - red. Myszograj, Sylwia - red.
Ogiołda, Ewa Nowogoński, Ireneusz Babiuch, Maciej Kuczyński, Tadeusz - red.
Ogiołda, Ewa Kozaczek, Maciej Greinert, Andrzej - red.
Ogiołda, Ewa Gajda, Marta Greinert, Andrzej - red.
Ogiołda, Ewa Kołoszyc, Małgorzata Greinert, Andrzej - red. Kołodziejczyk, Urszula - red.
Nowogoński, Ireneusz Ogiołda, Ewa Kuczyński, Tadeusz - red.
Ogiołda, Ewa Nowogoński, Ireneusz Adam, Roksana Greinert, Andrzej - red.