This paper focuses on the theoretical analysis of blood flow in the presence of thermal radiation and chemical reaction under the influence of time dependent magnetic field intensity. Unsteady non linear partial differential equations of blood flow consider time dependent stretching velocity, the energy equation also accounts time dependent temperature of vessel wall and the concentration equation includes the time dependent blood concentration. ; The governing non linear partial differential equations of motion, energy and concentration are converted into ordinary differential equations using similarity transformations solved numerically by applying ode45. ; The effect of physical parameters, viz., the permeability parameter, unsteadiness parameter, Prandtl number, Hartmann number, thermal radiation parameter, chemical reaction parameter and Schmidt number on flow variables, viz., velocity of blood flow in vessel, temperature and concentration of blood, has been analyzed and discussed graphically. ; From the simulation study the following important results are obtained: velocity of blood flow increases with the increment of both permeability and unsteadiness parameter. The temperature of blood increases at the vessel wall as the Prandtl number and Hartmann number increase. Concentration of blood decreases as time dependent chemical reaction parameter and Schmidt number increases.
Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski
IJAME, volume 25, number 3 (2020)
Biblioteka Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego
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