Bebhalilou, Mohamed Ichem ; Belachia, Mouloud ; Houari, Hacene ; Abdelouahed, Assia
The present study aims to valorize the waste and in particular the waste from the Fil-fila quarry. The main reason for choosing the waste from this quarry was the need to reduce the impact on the environment (by reducing stockpiling) and the raw material cost (economic reason). ; This study therefore consists in recovering this type of waste (discarded powder subject to weather changes) as sand in partial replacement of dune sand in the formulation of sand concrete with percentages of 5, 10, 15 and 20%, by studying the behavior of these concretes in the fresh state (workability, density and occluded air) and the properties in the hardened state (compressive and tensile strength by bending, absorption by immersion, shrinkage and weight loss, chemical effect of HCl and H2SO4 solutions), and subsequently comparing the results obtained with reference samples (0%) based on ordinary sand. ; Based on the obtained results, it can be concluded that the substitution of ordinary (dune) sand with marble waste sand provides acceptable results from the point of view of workability, strength and durability. These observations are likely to widen the field of applications of these sand concretes based on marble waste.
tytuł dodatkowy: Prace z Inżynierii Lądowej i Środowiska
Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego
Civil and Environmental Engineering Reports (CEER), no 30, vol. 1
Biblioteka Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego
Mar 21, 2023
Mar 21, 2023
Edition name | Date |
The study of the characteristics of sand concrete based on marble waste sand | Mar 21, 2023 |
Rihla, Chaher Hebhoub, Houria Djebien, Rachid Abdelouahed, Assia Kuczyński, Tadeusz - red.
Ramdane, Rihab Kherraf, Leila Abdelouahed, Assia Belachia, Mouloud Kuczyński, Tadeusz - red.
Kechkar, Chiraz Belachia, Mouloud Cherait, Yacine Kuczyński, Tadeusz - red.
Kherraf, Leila Kherraf, Sihem Hebhoub, Houria Belachia, Mouloud Kuczyński, Tadeusz - red.
Djebien, Rachid Abbas, Yassine Bouabaz, Amel Ziada, Yasser Nacereddine Kuczyński, Tadeusz - red.
James, Jijo Selvam, Akilan Gunaselvi Annamalai, Krishna Khumaar Marimuthu, Vishal Srinivasan, Vishnu Varadhan Kolamurugan, Sooraj Kuczyński, Tadeusz - red.
Abdelouahed, Assia Hebhoub, Houria Kherraf, Leila Belachia, Mouloud Kuczyński, Tadeusz - red.
Suchowska-Kisielewicz, Monika Sadecka, Zofia Sieciechowicz, Aleksandra Greinert, Andrzej - red.