The research is presenting backgrounds to the sudden informal secession of the Kurdish regions in Syria from the central government of Damascus in 2012, to successively create a kind of de facto autonomy known as Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES). ; This research is trying to expose features of a quasi state demonstrated by AANES through analyses of its existence mechanisms and collaborations with the International Coalition in fights against ISIS, and also in the efforts by AANES to obtain international recognition for its autonomous project. ; Furthermore, to point the relations between indigenous secession attempts presented by AANES and roots of the Kurdish question in Syria, also the inter-engagements with micro- and macro-aspects and fluctuations of political transformation inside Syria and the existing severe ethnic and sectarian fragmentations of Syria`s society, considered as the main factors behind Syrian state failure and fragmentation, that also became very obvious after the outbreak of civil war in 2011, to finally present prognoses about the fate of AANES and Syrian state.
Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego
Przegląd Narodowościowy, t. 12
Biblioteka Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego
Tillo, Khoushnaw Pochyły, Piotr - red.
Tillo, Khoushnaw Sheikhmous, Omar Iwanek, Jan - red. Tarnawski, Eduard - red.