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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = górnictwo odkrywkowe] OR [Subject and Keywords = lej depresyjny] OR [Subject and Keywords = antropopresja] OR [Subject and Keywords = odpływ] OR [Subject and Keywords = klimatyczny bilans wodny] OR [Subject and Keywords = opencast mining] OR [Subject and Keywords = depression cone] OR [Subject and Keywords = anthropopressure] OR [Subject and Keywords = discharge] OR [Subject and Keywords = climatic water balance] OR [Title = Przyczyny zmian w odpływie rzecznym na obszarach objętych wpływem eksploatacji węgla brunatnego = Couses of changes in fluvial run\-off in areas affected by opencast lignite mines] OR [Creator = Wachowiak, Grzegorz] OR [Creator = Kępińska\-Kasprzak, Małgorzata]

Number of results: 8

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