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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = sondowania statyczne CPTu] OR [Subject and Keywords = obciążenie z drenażem] OR [Subject and Keywords = parametry efektywne] OR [Subject and Keywords = stateczność skarp] OR [Subject and Keywords = Burokod 7] OR [Subject and Keywords = cone penetration tests CPTu] OR [Subject and Keywords = drained loading] OR [Subject and Keywords = effective parameters] OR [Subject and Keywords = slope stability] OR [Subject and Keywords = Eurocode 7] OR [Title = Wykorzystanie badań CPTu do wyznaczania parametrów gruntu w analizie stateczności skarp głębokich wykopów = Application of CPTu in determination of soil parameters in slope stability analysis of deep excavations] OR [Creator = Szajna, Waldemar St.]

Number of results: 7

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