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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = wyrobiska galeno\-galmanowe] OR [Subject and Keywords = założenia parkowe] OR [Subject and Keywords = zieleń wysoka] OR [Subject and Keywords = post\-calamine mining sites] OR [Subject and Keywords = inventorization] OR [Subject and Keywords = park] OR [Title = Park zakonu oo. Kamilianów w Tarnowskich Górach jako przykład zagospodarowania obiektu po historycznym górnictwie galeno\-galmanowym = Park at the Camilian Monastery in Tarnowskie Góry facility as an example of the historical post\-calamine mining sites management] OR [Creator = Pietrzykowski, Marcin] OR [Creator = Śliwińska, Martyna] OR [Creator = Krzaklewski, Wojciech] OR [Creator = Woś, Bartłomiej]

Number of results: 33

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