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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = zalesianie] OR [Subject and Keywords = grunty porolne] OR [Subject and Keywords = gleby erodowane i namywane] OR [Subject and Keywords = uziarnienie] OR [Subject and Keywords = właściwości chemiczne] OR [Subject and Keywords = indeks trofizmu gleb leśnych \(ITGL\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = forestation] OR [Subject and Keywords = fallows] OR [Subject and Keywords = eroded and delluvial soils] OR [Subject and Keywords = soil texture] OR [Subject and Keywords = chemical properties] OR [Subject and Keywords = Forest Soil Trophism Index \(FSTI\)] OR [Title = Przydatność erodowanych gleb porolnych jako siedliska leśnego w oparciu o Indeks Trofizmu Gleb Leśnych \(ITLG\) = Suitability of eroded fallows as forest habitat on base of Forest Soil Trophism Index \(FSTI\)] OR [Creator = Chudecka, Justyna] OR [Creator = Tomaszewicz, Tomasz]

Number of results: 12

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