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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = grzyby pleśniowe] OR [Subject and Keywords = biokorozja] OR [Subject and Keywords = biodeterioracja] OR [Subject and Keywords = nalot biologiczny] OR [Subject and Keywords = elewacje zewnętrzne] OR [Subject and Keywords = moulds] OR [Subject and Keywords = fungi] OR [Subject and Keywords = biocorrosion] OR [Subject and Keywords = biodeterioration] OR [Subject and Keywords = biofilm] OR [Subject and Keywords = exterior facades] OR [Title = Obecność zarodników grzybów pleśniowych w nalocie na elewacji budynku Insystutu Inżynierii Środowiska Uniwersytutu Zielonogórskiego = Existence of mould spores in biofilm on the building fasade of the Institute of Environmental Engineering, University of Zielona Góra] OR [Creator = Piontek, Marlena] OR [Creator = Lechów, Hanna] OR [Creator = Łuszczyńska, Katarzyna]

Number of results: 27

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ZN UZ IŚ, nr 35 (2014)

Piontek, Marlena Fedyczak, Zuzanna Łuszczyńska, Katarzyna Lechów, Hanna Kostecki, Jakub - red. Myszograj, Sylwia - red. Hudak, Magda - red. Wasylewicz, Róża - red. Greinert, Andrzej - red. Kołodziejczyk, Urszula - red.

ZN UZ IŚ, nr 20 (2010)

Piontek, Marlena Łuszczyńska, Katarzyna Awińska-Więckowska, Aurelia Greinert, Andrzej - red. Kołodziejczyk, Urszula - red.


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