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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = Liebert, Jerzy \(poeta \; 1904\-1931\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Jezus Chrystus] OR [Subject and Keywords = Boże Narodzenie] OR [Subject and Keywords = Dzieciątko] OR [Subject and Keywords = Matka] OR [Subject and Keywords = kolęda] OR [Subject and Keywords = Jesus Christ] OR [Subject and Keywords = Christmas] OR [Subject and Keywords = Baby Jesus] OR [Subject and Keywords = Mother] OR [Subject and Keywords = carol] OR [Title = Jezus Chrystus w \"Kolędzie\" i \"Pasterce\" Jerzego Lieberta = Jezus Christ in \"Carol\" \[Kolęda\] and \"Christmas Eve Mass\" \[Pasterka\] by Jerzy Liebert] OR [Creator = Jabłoński, Romuald Marek \(1956\- \)]

Number of results: 15

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Filologia Polska, z. 2

Jabłoński, Romuald Marek (1956- ) Sztyber, Radosław - red. nacz.

Scripta Humana, 1

Jabłoński, Romuald Marek (1956- ) Kulczycka, Dorota - red. nauk. Mikołajczak, Małgorzata (1966 -) - red.

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