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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = optymizm] OR [Subject and Keywords = pesymizm] OR [Subject and Keywords = czynna pozycja życiowa] OR [Subject and Keywords = zachowania zaradcze] OR [Subject and Keywords = sytuacje kryzysowe] OR [Subject and Keywords = monitoring psychologiczny] OR [Subject and Keywords = optimism] OR [Subject and Keywords = pessimism] OR [Subject and Keywords = an active position in life] OR [Subject and Keywords = constructive behaviour] OR [Subject and Keywords = emergencies] OR [Subject and Keywords = psychological monitoring] OR [Title = Optymiści i pesymiści w sytuacji kryzysów gospodarczych \(na przykładzie kryzysów gospodarczych Rosji\) \- Optimists and pessimists in the economic crisis \(based on the economic crisis in Russia\)] OR [Creator = Vodopyanova, Natalia E.] OR [Creator = Chesnokov, Vładimir B.]

Number of results: 5

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Salagierski, Maciej - red. nauk. Jasiński, Miłosz Nycz, Amanda Megger, Katarzyna Żabicki, Bartosz Stroczyński, Maciej Salagierski, Maciej


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