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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = przewodnictwo cieplne] OR [Subject and Keywords = niestacjonarny przepływ ciepła] OR [Subject and Keywords = kompozyt] OR [Subject and Keywords = heat conduction] OR [Subject and Keywords = FGM] OR [Subject and Keywords = composite] OR [Title = Non\-stationary heat transfer in two\-phase hollow cylinder with functionally graded effective material properties with second kind of boundary conditions = Niestacjonarny przepływ ciepła w przewodniku cylindrycznym z warunkami brzegowymi drugiego rodzaju] OR [Creator = Ostrowski, Piotr]

Number of results: 65

items per page
AMCS, Volume 26 (2016)

Beddiaf, Sara Autrique, Laurent Perez, Laetitia Jolly, Jean-Claude Korbicz, Józef (1951- ) - red. Uciński, Dariusz - red.

IJAME, volume 29 (2024)

Srinivas, V.B. Manthena, V.R. Warbhe, S.D. Kedar, Ganesh D. Lamba, Navneet Kumar Jurczak, Paweł - red.


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