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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = belka zespolona] OR [Subject and Keywords = konstrukcja drewniano\-betonowa] OR [Subject and Keywords = nośność] OR [Subject and Keywords = sztywność] OR [Subject and Keywords = analiza numeryczna] OR [Subject and Keywords = composite beam] OR [Subject and Keywords = timber\-concrete structures] OR [Subject and Keywords = resistance] OR [Subject and Keywords = stiffness] OR [Subject and Keywords = numerical analysis] OR [Title = A numerical analysis of the resistance and stiffness of the timber and concrete composite beam = Analiza numeryczna nośności i sztywności belki zespolonej drewniano \- betonowej] OR [Creator = Szumigała, Ewa] OR [Creator = Szumigała, Maciej] OR [Creator = Polus, Łukasz]

Number of results: 72

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CEER, nr 30, vol. 4 (2020)

Sangeetha, Palanivelu Ramana, Gopal S. Jai, Vigneshwar A. Vaishnavi, K. Srinidhi, A. Kuczyński, Tadeusz - red.


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