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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = sole rozpuszczalne] OR [Subject and Keywords = cegła ceramiczna] OR [Subject and Keywords = mury z cegły ceramicznej] OR [Subject and Keywords = uszkodzenia murów] OR [Subject and Keywords = kamienice śródmiejskie] OR [Subject and Keywords = water soluble salts] OR [Subject and Keywords = ceramic brick] OR [Subject and Keywords = walls of ceramic brick] OR [Subject and Keywords = damaged walls] OR [Subject and Keywords = tenement] OR [Title = Analysis of construction salt decomposition within walls of ceramic brick in the midtown tenement houses = Analiza rozkładu soli budowlanych w murach z cegły ceramicznej kamienic śródmiejskich] OR [Creator = Szostak, Bartosz] OR [Creator = Trochonowicz, Maciej]

Number of results: 5

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