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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = słupy żeliwne] OR [Subject and Keywords = wzmocnienie] OR [Subject and Keywords = powłoka kompozytowa] OR [Subject and Keywords = CFRP] OR [Subject and Keywords = badania nieniszczące] OR [Subject and Keywords = cast iron columns] OR [Subject and Keywords = reinforecement] OR [Subject and Keywords = composite jacket] OR [Subject and Keywords = destructive tests] OR [Title = Reinforcement of existing cast\-iron structural elements by means of fiber reinforced composites = Wzmacnianie istniejących, żeliwnych elementów konstrukcyjnych za pomocą włóknokompozytów] OR [Creator = Marcinowski, Jakub] OR [Creator = Różycki, Zbigniew]

Number of results: 24

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CEER, nr 29, vol. 3 (2019)

Ovchynnykov, Pavlo Dubinchyk, Olha Tiutkin, Oleksii Kildieiev, Vitalii Sedin, Vladimir Bikus, Kateryna Kuczyński, Tadeusz - red.


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