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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = adaptacja psychologiczna] OR [Subject and Keywords = coping \- strategie] OR [Subject and Keywords = mechanizmy obrony psychologicznej] OR [Subject and Keywords = ludzie z uszkodzeniem układu mięśniowo\-szkieletowego] OR [Subject and Keywords = psychological adaptation] OR [Subject and Keywords = coping strategies] OR [Subject and Keywords = psychological defense mechanisms] OR [Subject and Keywords = people with damage to the musculoskeletal system] OR [Title = Analiza porównawcza mechanizmów psychologicznej adaptacji osobowości w warunkach ograniczonych możliwości fizycznych = Comparative analysis of the mechanisms of psychological adaptation of personality in terms of physical disability] OR [Creator = Bogomaz, Sergei L.] OR [Creator = Paškovič, Sergei F.]

Number of results: 2

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