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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = niestacjonarna wymiana] OR [Subject and Keywords = model do obliczeń] OR [Subject and Keywords = wymiana ciepła z gruntem] OR [Subject and Keywords = fale upałów] OR [Subject and Keywords = szeregi czasowe] OR [Subject and Keywords = transient calculation model] OR [Subject and Keywords = ground heat storage] OR [Subject and Keywords = heat waves] OR [Subject and Keywords = time series] OR [Title = Comparative calculation of heat exchange with the ground in residential building including periodes of heat waves = Weryfikacja niestacjonarnego modelu do obliczeń temperatury w jednorodzinnych budynkach mieszkalnych podczas fal upałów] OR [Creator = Staszczuk, Anna] OR [Creator = Kuczyński, Tadeusz] OR [Creator = Wojciech, Magdalena] OR [Creator = Ziembicki, Piotr]

Number of results: 23

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Filologia Polska, z. 9

Staszczuk, Anna Gieba, Kamila (1984 -) - red. Rostkowska-Biszczanik, Kaja - red. Kaczor, Monika - red. nauk. Sztyber, Radosław - red.


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