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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = \"Polonistyka\" \- czasopismo] OR [Subject and Keywords = socjalistyczny system wartości] OR [Subject and Keywords = personalizm] OR [Subject and Keywords = marksizm] OR [Subject and Keywords = Jan Paweł II, papież \(1929\-2005\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = ideologia a nauka] OR [Subject and Keywords = socialistic system of values] OR [Subject and Keywords = personalism] OR [Subject and Keywords = Marxism] OR [Subject and Keywords = John Paul II] OR [Subject and Keywords = ideology vs science] OR [Title = Świat wartości w czasopiśmie \"Polonistyka\" w latach 1948\-1956 = World of values in the periodic \"Polish philology\" years 1948\-1956] OR [Creator = Seul, Anastazja \(1961\- \)]

Number of results: 59

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ZSJ 2018

Seul, Anastazja (1961- ) Steciąg, Magdalena - red. nauk. Kaczor, Monika - red. nauk.


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