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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = dynamics] OR [Subject and Keywords = vibrations] OR [Subject and Keywords = footbridges] OR [Subject and Keywords = integral abutments bridges] OR [Subject and Keywords = comfort of use] OR [Subject and Keywords = drgania] OR [Subject and Keywords = kładki dla pieszych] OR [Subject and Keywords = mosty zintegrowane] OR [Subject and Keywords = komfort użytkowania] OR [Title = Evaluation of dynamic characteristics of the footbridge with integral abutments = Ocena parametrów dynamicznych zespolonej kładki dla pieszych z przyczółkami zintegrowanymi] OR [Creator = Pańtak, Marek] OR [Creator = Jarek, Bogusław]

Number of results: 124

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IJAME, volume 23 (2018)

Pashchenko, Vasilij Nikolaevič Meleshchenko, D.I. Rashoyan, Gagik Malyshev, Dmitry I. Kuzmina, Victoria S. Jurczak, Paweł - red.


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