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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = strengthening] OR [Subject and Keywords = composite beams] OR [Subject and Keywords = residual stresses] OR [Subject and Keywords = distortions] OR [Subject and Keywords = FEM] OR [Subject and Keywords = wzmocnienia] OR [Subject and Keywords = belka zespolona] OR [Subject and Keywords = naprężenia rezydualne] OR [Subject and Keywords = dystorsje] OR [Subject and Keywords = MES] OR [Title = Static equilibrium paths of steel\-concrete composite beam strengthened under load = Ścieżki równowagi statycznej stalowo\-betonowej belki zespolonej wzmacnianej pod obciążeniem] OR [Creator = Szewczyk, Piotr] OR [Creator = Szumigała, Maciej]

Number of results: 91

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CEER, nr 28, vol. 2 (2018)

Bujarkiewicz, Adam Gajewski, Jarosław Janiak, Tomasz Sobczak-Piąstka, Justyna Sztubecki, Jacek Tews, Rafał Kuczyński, Tadeusz - red.


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