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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = drying of porous materials] OR [Subject and Keywords = drying measurements] OR [Subject and Keywords = building materials] OR [Subject and Keywords = experimental stand] OR [Subject and Keywords = suszenie materiałów] OR [Subject and Keywords = pomiary procesu suszenia] OR [Subject and Keywords = materiały budowlane] OR [Subject and Keywords = stanowisko doświadczalne] OR [Title = Development of the experimental stand with centrally located specimen for the investigation of heat and moisture phenomena in porous building materiale = Rozwój stanowiska doświadczalnego z centralnie umieszczoną próbką do badań procesu grzania i suszenia porowatych materiałów budowlanych] OR [Creator = Cieślikiewicz, Łukasz] OR [Creator = Wasiak, Michał] OR [Creator = Kubiś, Michał] OR [Creator = Łapka, Piotr] OR [Creator = Bugaj, Marcin] OR [Creator = Pietrak, Karol] OR [Creator = Wiśniewski, Tomasz S.] OR [Creator = Furmański, Piotr] OR [Creator = Seredyński, Mirosław]

Number of results: 3

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