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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = Reynolds equation] OR [Subject and Keywords = inverse theory] OR [Subject and Keywords = macro\-shape] OR [Subject and Keywords = micro\-texture] OR [Subject and Keywords = cavitation] OR [Subject and Keywords = lifting force] OR [Subject and Keywords = friction forces] OR [Subject and Keywords = flow rate] OR [Title = The non\-unicity of the film thickness in the hydrodynamic lubrication\: novel approach generating equivalent micro\-grooves and roughness] OR [Creator = El Gadari, Mhammed] OR [Creator = Hajjam, Mohamed]

Number of results: 14

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IJAME, volume 26 (2021)

Lihonou, Toha François Monwanou, Vincent A. Miwadinou, Clément Chabi Orou, Jean Bio Jurczak, Paweł - red.


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