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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = Homotopy Perturbation Method \(HPM\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = pressure gradient parameter] OR [Subject and Keywords = convective heat transfer] OR [Subject and Keywords = Maxwell fluid] OR [Subject and Keywords = stretching sheet] OR [Title = Effects of pressure gradient on convective heat transfer in a boundary layer flow of a Maxwell fluid past a stretching sheet] OR [Creator = Salah, Faisal] OR [Creator = Kashif, A.N.] OR [Creator = Sankar, D.S.] OR [Creator = Izyan, Nurul Mat Daud] OR [Creator = Viswanathan, K.K.]

Number of results: 25

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IJAME, volume 26 (2021)

Izyan, Nurul Mat Daud Sabri, Nur Ain Ayunni Hafizah, A. K. Nor Sankar, D.S. Viswanathan, K.K. Jurczak, Paweł - red.

IJAME, volume 21 (2016)

Prasad, Kerehalli Vinayaka Vaidya, Hanumesh Vajravelu, Kuppalapalle Datti, P.S. Umesh, V. Jurczak, Paweł - red.


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