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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = nonlinear waves] OR [Subject and Keywords = bubbly liquids] OR [Subject and Keywords = electrokinetic phenomena] OR [Subject and Keywords = perturbation] OR [Subject and Keywords = electric potential] OR [Title = An effect of electrokinetics phenomena on nonlinear wave propagation in bubbly liquids] OR [Creator = Panahov, Geylani] OR [Creator = Abbasov, Eldar] OR [Creator = Bakhtiyarov, S.] OR [Creator = Museibli, Parviz]

Number of results: 24

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AMCS, Volume 25 (2015)

Zeifman, Alexander Korotysheva, Anna Satin, Yacov Korolev, Victor Shorgin, Sergey Razumchik, Rostislav Iacono, Mauro - ed. Kołodziej, Joanna - ed.

AMCS, Volume 22 (2012)

Olwal, Thomas Otieno Djouani, Karim Kogeda, Okuthe P. Wyk, Barend Jacobus van Korbicz, Józef (1951- ) - red. Uciński, Dariusz - red.

AMCS, Volume 16 (2006)

El Mouatasim, Abdelkrim Ellaia, Rachid Souza de Cursi, José E. Korbicz, Józef (1951- ) - red. Uciński, Dariusz - red.


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