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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = Soret effect] OR [Subject and Keywords = Dufour effect] OR [Subject and Keywords = MHD] OR [Subject and Keywords = blood flow] OR [Subject and Keywords = stenosis] OR [Subject and Keywords = chemical reaction] OR [Title = Radiation effect on MHD blood flow through a tapered porous stenosed artery with thermal and mass diffusion] OR [Creator = Sharma, Madhu] OR [Creator = Gaur, Rajarshi] OR [Creator = Sharma, Bhupendra K.]

Number of results: 99

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IJAME, volume 27 (2022)

Sharma, Bhupendra K. Sharma, Pawan Kumar Chauhan, Sudhir Kumar Jurczak, Paweł - red.

IJAME, volume 21 (2016)

Reddy, Gurrampati Venkata Ramana Reddy, N. Bhaskar Gorla, Rama Subba Reddy Jurczak, Paweł - red.


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