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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = building sector] OR [Subject and Keywords = renovation of the building] OR [Subject and Keywords = energy\-efficient of buildings] OR [Subject and Keywords = energy optimization] OR [Subject and Keywords = energy policy] OR [Subject and Keywords = DesignBuilder] OR [Subject and Keywords = sektor budowlany] OR [Subject and Keywords = remont budynku] OR [Subject and Keywords = budynek energooszczędny] OR [Subject and Keywords = optymalizacja energii] OR [Subject and Keywords = polityka energetyczna] OR [Title = Development of reference buildings to analyze the potential for energy\-efficient refurbishment of buildings] OR [Creator = Schwan, Lukas] OR [Creator = Hahn, Jakob] OR [Creator = Barton, Michael] OR [Creator = Anders, Ronja] OR [Creator = Schweigler, Christian]

Number of results: 8

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