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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = potable water] OR [Subject and Keywords = residual aluminium] OR [Subject and Keywords = coagulation] OR [Subject and Keywords = non\-prehydrolysed coagulant] OR [Subject and Keywords = environmental factors] OR [Subject and Keywords = epidemiological studies] OR [Subject and Keywords = woda pitna] OR [Subject and Keywords = resztki aluminium] OR [Subject and Keywords = koagulacja] OR [Subject and Keywords = koagulanty niehydrolizowane] OR [Subject and Keywords = czynniki środowiskowe] OR [Subject and Keywords = badania epidemiologiczne] OR [Title = Residual aluminium in water intended for human consumption] OR [Creator = Krupińska, Izabela] OR [Creator = Płuciennik\-Koropczuk, Ewelina] OR [Creator = Gągała, Sylwia]

Number of results: 36

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CEER, nr 32, vol. 4 (2022)

Myszograj, Sylwia Płuciennik-Koropczuk, Ewelina Kuczyński, Tadeusz - red.

ZN UZ IŚ, nr 21 (2011)

Sadecka, Zofia Płuciennik-Koropczuk, Ewelina Sieciechowicz, Aleksandra Greinert, Andrzej - red.


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