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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = wooden floor] OR [Subject and Keywords = moisture] OR [Subject and Keywords = CM method] OR [Subject and Keywords = carbide method] OR [Subject and Keywords = counter\-floor] OR [Subject and Keywords = jointless floor] OR [Subject and Keywords = podłoga drewniana] OR [Subject and Keywords = wilgotność] OR [Subject and Keywords = test wilgotności] OR [Subject and Keywords = metoda CM] OR [Title = Accuracy of the cm carbide method when testing counter\-floors used in the construction industry] OR [Creator = Trochonowicz, Maciej] OR [Creator = Szostak, Bartosz] OR [Creator = Lackorzyński, Marek]

Number of results: 16

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IJAME, volume 22 (2017)

Alsabry, Abdrahman Nikitsin, Vadim I. Kofanov, Vladimir Aleksandrovič Backiel-Brzozowska, Beata Jurczak, Paweł - red.


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