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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = granular sludge system] OR [Subject and Keywords = biokinetic parameters] OR [Subject and Keywords = organic loading rate] OR [Subject and Keywords = OLR] OR [Subject and Keywords = sewage] OR [Subject and Keywords = operating conditions] OR [Subject and Keywords = szlam ziarnisty] OR [Subject and Keywords = parametry biokinetyczne] OR [Subject and Keywords = wskaźniki organiczne] OR [Subject and Keywords = ścieki] OR [Subject and Keywords = warunki eksploatacji] OR [Title = The Relationship Between the Biokinetic Parameters of an Aerobic Granular Sludge System and the Applied Operating Conditions] OR [Creator = Hamiruddin, Nur Ain] OR [Creator = Awang, Nik Azimatolakma]

Number of results: 126

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CEER, nr 29, vol. 3 (2019)

Królik, Dariusz Wypych, Przemysław Kostecki, Jakub Kuczyński, Tadeusz - red.


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