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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = maintenance strategies] OR [Subject and Keywords = periodical repaires] OR [Subject and Keywords = building modernization] OR [Subject and Keywords = life cycles] OR [Subject and Keywords = whole life costs] OR [Subject and Keywords = net present value] OR [Subject and Keywords = internal rate of return] OR [Subject and Keywords = plany konserwacji] OR [Subject and Keywords = remonty okresowe] OR [Subject and Keywords = modernizacja budynku] OR [Subject and Keywords = koszt utrzymania obiektu] OR [Subject and Keywords = cykl życia obiektu] OR [Title = Maintenance Strategies, Periodic Renovations and Building Modernisation in the Aspect of the Criterion of the Whole Life Costs] OR [Creator = Przesmycka, Apolonia] OR [Creator = Wieczorek, Damian]

Number of results: 7

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