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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = pervious concrete] OR [Subject and Keywords = permeability] OR [Subject and Keywords = porosity] OR [Subject and Keywords = pavements] OR [Subject and Keywords = purification] OR [Subject and Keywords = clogging] OR [Subject and Keywords = mitigating urban heat] OR [Subject and Keywords = beton porowaty] OR [Subject and Keywords = przepuszczalność] OR [Subject and Keywords = porowatość] OR [Subject and Keywords = chodniki] OR [Subject and Keywords = oczyszczanie] OR [Subject and Keywords = kolmatacja] OR [Subject and Keywords = łagodzenie miejskiego ciepła] OR [Title = Recent Studies on the Properties of Pervious Concrete\; A Sustainable Solution for Pavements and Water Treatment] OR [Creator = Vijavalakshmi, Ramalingam]

Number of results: 62

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CEER, nr 5 (2010)

Domański, Zbigniew Ciesielski, Mariusz Baran, Bożena Kuczma, Mieczysław - red.


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