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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = precipitation trends] OR [Subject and Keywords = local precipitations] OR [Subject and Keywords = Mann\-Kendall test] OR [Subject and Keywords = slope stability] OR [Subject and Keywords = dewatering systems] OR [Subject and Keywords = decision\-making process map] OR [Subject and Keywords = opady lokalne] OR [Subject and Keywords = trendy opadów] OR [Subject and Keywords = test Manna\-Kendalla] OR [Subject and Keywords = stateczność zboczy] OR [Subject and Keywords = systemy odwadniania] OR [Subject and Keywords = mapa procesu decyzyjnego] OR [Title = Do changes of rainfall trends affect choice of drainage systems\?] OR [Creator = Kubiszyn, Katarzyna] OR [Creator = Łochańska, Dorota]

Number of results: 5

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