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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = DSC] OR [Subject and Keywords = TG] OR [Subject and Keywords = LDPE] OR [Subject and Keywords = plastics recycling] OR [Subject and Keywords = thermal analysis] OR [Title = Research on low density polyethylene \(LDPE\), recycled by advanced thermal analysis \(DSC, TG\)] OR [Creator = Siwczyk, Bartosz] OR [Creator = Schlafka, Paweł] OR [Creator = Sąsiadek, Michał] OR [Creator = Woźniak, Waldemar]

Number of results: 6

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IJAME, volume 23 (2018)

Alsabry, Abdrahman Nikitsin, Vadim I. Kofanov, Vladimir Aleksandrovič Backiel-Brzozowska, Beata Jurczak, Paweł - red.


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