Search for: [Subject and Keywords = Maria Teresa Walburga Amalia Christina von Habsburg \(1717\-1780\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = \"The Gypsy Baron\"] OR [Subject and Keywords = \"Der Zigeunerbaron\"] OR [Subject and Keywords = operetta] OR [Subject and Keywords = operetka] OR [Subject and Keywords = Gypsies in music] OR [Subject and Keywords = Strauss, Johann \(syn\) \(kompozytor austriacki\; 1825\-1899\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = \"Baron cygański\"] OR [Title = \"The Gypsy Baron\" Operetta \(1885\) as a musical document of a certain age = Operetka \"Baron cygański\" \(1885\) jako muzyczny dokument pewnej epoki] OR [Creator = Piotrowska, Anna G.]