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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = historia polszczyzny] OR [Subject and Keywords = aksjolingwistyka] OR [Subject and Keywords = wartościowanie w języku] OR [Subject and Keywords = history of the Polish language] OR [Subject and Keywords = axiolinguistics] OR [Subject and Keywords = evaluation in language] OR [Title = Dawność jako jeden z wyznaczników wartości pojęć etycznych i społecznych w czasach średniopolskich = Antiquity as one of the determinants of the values of ethical and social concepts in the Middle Polish period] OR [Creator = Raszewska\-Żurek, Beata]

Number of results: 10

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ZSJ 2019

Rejter, Artur Hawrysz, Magdalena - red. nauk. Jurewicz, Magdalena - red. nauk. Kotlarska, Irmina - red. nauk.


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