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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = FA \(Fly Ash\) aggregate] OR [Subject and Keywords = Durability properties] OR [Subject and Keywords = Support\-vector\-machine \(SVM\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Prediction models] OR [Subject and Keywords = Coefficient of Determination \(R2\)] OR [Title = Impermeability evaluation of concrete with fly ash aggregate and prediction with modelling] OR [Creator = Lalitha, Gurikini] OR [Creator = Reddy, Chilukala Ritvik]

Number of results: 1

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CEER, nr 29, vol. 2 (2019)

Abdelouahed, Assia Hebhoub, Houria Kherraf, Leila Belachia, Mouloud Kuczyński, Tadeusz - red.


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