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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = Serbołużyczanie] OR [Subject and Keywords = onomastyka] OR [Subject and Keywords = motywy roślinne] OR [Subject and Keywords = Łużyce Wschodnie] OR [Subject and Keywords = Lusatians] OR [Subject and Keywords = onomastics] OR [Subject and Keywords = floral motifs] OR [Subject and Keywords = Eastern Lusatia] OR [Subject and Keywords = customs] OR [Title = Nazewnictwo terenowe związane z motywami krajobrazowymi we wsiach wschodniej części dolnych Łużyc = Topographic nomenclature connected with landscape motives in the villages of eastern parts of lower lusatia till 1945] OR [Creator = Łachowska, Agnieszka]

Number of results: 18

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Rocznik Lubuski, 1

Pasterniak, Wojciech (1935-2018) Sauter, Wiesław (1905-1996) - red.


Węgorowska, Katarzyna Mazurek, Weronika - tł.


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