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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = rewitalizacja społeczna] OR [Subject and Keywords = partycypacja obywatelska] OR [Subject and Keywords = partycypacja wyprzedzająca] OR [Subject and Keywords = bariery mentalne] OR [Subject and Keywords = bottom up] OR [Subject and Keywords = social revitalization] OR [Subject and Keywords = civic participation] OR [Subject and Keywords = anticipatory participation] OR [Subject and Keywords = mental barriers] OR [Title = Rewitalizacja a partycypacja. Przełamywanie barier mentalnych = Revitalization and participation. Breaking mental barriers] OR [Creator = Leszkowicz\-Baczyński, Jerzy] OR [Creator = Michalski, Zbigniew]

Number of results: 15

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AMCS, Volume 25 (2015)

Itoh, Hideaki Fukumoto, Hisao Wakuya, Hiroshi Furukawa, Tatsuya Byrski, Aleksander - ed. Kisiel-Dorohinicki, Marek - ed. Dobrowolski, Grzegorz - ed.


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